Thursday, October 15, 2009

Liberals oppose Limbaugh paying millions to black athletes

Has the definition of being a racist changed? I wouldn't think that a racist would be willing to be part of a bidding team that wants to buy a professional football franchise who's roster is significantly black, and an entire league which is predominately black. But yet for some reason liberals in the mainstream media are overwhelmingly opposed to Rush Limbaugh wanting to pay millions to the salaries of black athletes. So opposed in fact that there going so far as to Bush him by making up quotes and attributing to him that he never said. Chris Matthews hates Rush so much that he fantasizes of somebody killing him.


Chuck said...

I said it at another blog, Al Sharpton calling someone racist is the pot calling the kettle...

Matt said...

Just goes to show that they left accuses their opponents of doing what they themselves do.

Courtney said...

It seems like since Obama's been elected everybody and their mothers have been called a racist. It's like McCarthyism.